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On any given day, we each move through different parts of our identities. These identities may be: friend, lover, child, parent, employee, boss, student, teacher, advocate, ally, gendered, queer, person of color, patient, or any of the many other ways in which we relate with the world. Underneath all of this is the self; the core person of who you are. This is the identity that I look to foster in the therapy room. I believe that dialogue and discussion are what allow for each of us to explore our many varying identities and how they intersect to create the core self.

I personally move through this world with the identities of being a white, queer, gender fluid/non-binary, abolitionist, and heart-forward human. I like to spend my time in nature, hanging out with the dog in my life and the humans who bring me joy, reading books, and creating a world that focused on community and mutual care.

 I graduated with a Master of Arts in Psychology from Seattle University where I studied existential-phenomenological psychology, a humanistic approach to the human condition based in philosophy. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Washington with an emphasis in the Bio-psychology of women. These programs as well as my professional background have provided diverse education in the human condition and how we all move through the world. I have built upon my healing practices by engaging in learning energy work, death and dying care, transformative justice, and anti-racist actions.

Flow with whatever is happening and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate.
— Chuang Tzu